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The Roly Moly Story

As most of you now know, Dad died of vascular dementia at Xmas 2011. Since that time, I have been creating dementia aids which help with the fidgety hands or reminiscence/memory of the loved one.

It was horrible to see Dad's hands so busy, frantically doing something that we could not comprehend, but it was also devastating to know that the only thing he could have to help him would be a babyish toy.

I felt that a man who had carried such dignity about him, who had married and raised a family of six, and had such a long history of accolades should not be resigned to baby toys. Dementia had taken enough and it was not going to have his dignity as well.

So Roly Moly is a fidget relief that has been born out of the memories of my Dad and the person he was.

The first thing you may notice is that there are always six triangles facing you at any time, that is because Dad had six kids (which he referred to as The Gang!) Dad always taught us to look out for one another which is why each of the six triangles are linked together. There is no obvious beginning or end because Dad treated us all as equal, there were no favourites!

The final thing about the Roly Moly is the name, I knew this wonderful man as Dad, other people knew him as Mr Miles, but to his best friends and army friends, Dad was known as Mole hence......

Roly Moly!

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