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I haven't blogged since Xmas and some may wonder why. I had intended to do a monthly blog starting in January but something happened to prevent it, and that something was devastating.

Squeaks had found his way into my life about 14 years earlier and become the resident Polar Moon cat. It was not a surprise that a moggy should take up office in the Polar Moon Studio as we had always had cats from the day I was born, and sometimes many of them!!

Squeaks would never jump up on the sewing tables but he did like to sit in front of my computer most of the time, mainly because it was normally the sunniest spot but also because he could not resist the touch screen!! He was a lovely companion who demanded his own office chair and blanket to boot, and in return for said luxuries he repaid me with a constantly dirty computer screen!

Just after Christmas I noticed he got fussy about his food, that was never a good sign as Squeak thought that if he was awake then he must be feeding, they were the only two things in his life!!

The vet found not only did he have a bad tooth but he also had a malignant lump in his mouth which meant that after a month of care and love, my dear old Squeaks had to be put to sleep.

It has been three weeks now since he went and I now find the studio strangely quiet, no furry friends sprawled out on the rug ( head always on the black button!) waiting for a belly rub, and my computer screen is now always clean.

I am not sure at the moment if I will get another cat, though I do keep an eye on the rescue pages. Squeaks will be a hard act to follow so I think I might wait a bit and see if a new moggy friend finds his or her way into my life.

R.I.P. my little moggy friend xxxxxx

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